Make your direct farm sales simple and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Foster a community of people who love buying from your farm.

a CSA order form with a farm in the background

CSA sign-up made easy

Let customers easily choose box options and pickup locations.
a farm stand

Sell at the market

We integrate with Square to help you sell in-person effortlessly.
a table with cash register and a scale weighing vegetables

Sell on the web

Flash sales help you move lots of products quickly when needed.
a map with red pins marking pick-up locations

Manage pick-up locations

Communicate with pick-up sites and plan your delivery route.
a big room with lots of produce ready for packing

Streamline logistics

Print harvest and packing lists to prepare boxes for delivery.
a breakfast table with a newsletter titled this week's crop share

Write newsletters effortlessly

Our tools make sending a weekly newsletter quick and delightful.

Only $129 per month for your whole farm.

Cancel anytime.
Get Started

Reduce waste and bolster cash flow.

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